In the coming weeks, every single boat will be drawn out of the sea for works on the boat's hull, more specifically – the underwater line. Last year’s antifouling layer will be sanded and coated with a new one. This procedure is repeated every year in order to protect the underwater line from algae and sea shells. With the new smooth layer, sailing on our boats will be even more enjoyable for you. In addition of changes of antifouling, the engine propeller and bow thruster will be cleaned up and repaired, if necessary.

After processing the underwater part, next in line are boat sides. Cleaning, eventual repairs and re-painting are in order. In addition, not only for aesthetic reasons, starboard and port polishing are to increase sunlight reflection and thus suppress additional interior heating. Windows are checked and if moisture or sea intrusion was noticed, they are removed, cleaned and re-set.

Interior of each boat will be almost completely separated to thoroughly clean every corner of the boat. Boat’s engine is subjected to a general service, as well as all outboard motors. Our staff will examine boat plastics, wood, kitchen inventory, beddings, electrical installations, pluming, cooling systems, navigation equipment, ropes, and dinghies in detail, do the reparation if needed or replace worn inventory with new ones. Each piece is carefully checked and in safe hands.